domingo, 13 de noviembre de 2022


Use tell when you mention the listener. Use say when you don't.
Maggie told her parents to stay home. (listeners mentioned
Maggie said to stay home. (listeners not mentioned)
• Indirect s
When say and tell are in the past tense, the verbs in the indirect speech statement often ch
Present becomes past. Past becomes past perfect. Will becomes would. Can becomes coulc
They said, "The weather is awful" -> They said (that) the weather was awful.
Dan said, "We all had the flu." -> Dan said (that) they all had had the flu.
They said, "There will be snow tonight." -> They said there would be snow tonight.
My husband said, "You can come with me." -> My husband said I could come with him.


1. Direct speech. Maria:'

" Yo soy buena persona

Indirect Speech.

2. Pedro: "Yo trabajo en una fabrica"

Indirect Speech.

3. Rosa,

" Viajaré el próximo mes"

Indirect Speech.

4. Luis,

" Maria visitó a sus padres ayer"

Indirect Speech

5. Mario,'

"No puedo ir contigo a la reunión"

1. Direct speech. Maria:'
" I am a good person
indirect speech.
2. Pedro: "I work in a factory"
indirect speech.
3. Pink,
"I will travel next month"
indirect speech.
4. Louis,
"Maria visited her parents yesterday"
5. Mario,'
"I can't go with you to the meeting"

viernes, 11 de noviembre de 2022

natural phenomena

Today the weather is very nice. It's warm and sunny outside, so I can go shopping and have some fun. The temperature is 32 degrees Celsius. It's not that hot. It has been raining for the last few weeks. Yesterday it rained at night so I hope it won't rain today. I think last year it rained more than this year.

  SAD AND TELL Use tell when you mention the listener. Use say when you don't. Maggie told her parents to stay home. (listeners mentione...